BoB Squadron's room
ER_Kicker is also a member of BoB Squadron

BoB is abbreviated from "Band of Brothers" and it has originated in the USA.
Members in BoB keep good relationship each other as the name suggests.
I use the code name of "BoB_Maj_ER_Kicker" when I fly as a BoB pilot.
I know it is rather strange to fly with that name. But I've got a special permission of doing that from BoB's leader , BoB_SCMDFORCES_ALT.
Sometimes , ER_americayaro also flies with the name of "BoB_ER_Capt_americayaro".

Some members in BoB
BoB_SCMDFORCES_ALT Highest commander in BoB squadron..
Living in Massachusetts ,USA .
I think he is a real gentleman.
He is very polite , and speaks slowly when we talk.
ALT thinks about BoB squadron all the time, and I know this is the reason why many gentlemen gather at BoB.
He helped me to make the English Top Page in my web site.
I have deep respect for him.
BoB_Col_Scouser Living in LA,USA.
He is from Liverpool,UK,and works as an scenic artist .
In the movie "Behind the enemy lines",Scouser was responsible for painting the nose cone of F18 Hornet depicted in that film.
And more recently has made the STAR WARS set.
He has various talents.. He is lead vocal of "The Dr. WU Band".
This band is so COOL. The URL is
BoB_Maj_JOHNB Living in Washington State.
He is very polite and speaks very slowly when we talk in English.
BoB_Maj_AlpenWolf   Living in LA,USA.He used to play CFS3 with many different names.
So he has met me before I joined BoB.
He is a good fighter pilot.
BoB_GENERAL_Tazman Tazman has established the BoB web page shown below.
And knows quite a lot about PCs.
BoB_Capt_Oldcrow Hosts his own game very often.
BoB_GeorgeBushII Living in New Zealand.
He is a Fire fighter.

BoB URL are as follows.

Tazman's site

BoB's site