cq93sb |
He is an electricity engineer living in Germany.
When I host a game, I always join in the AXIS side. And he always joins in AXIS , too. In other words it is Japan and Germany alliance.
He sent some photographs of beautiful Bf109 (flyable!) to me. |
toraneko |
Living in Kanto area , Japan. Though he is older than I ,he has a good fighting spirit just like a young guy..His vertical climb is very beautiful. |
(Shibainu_no_zassyu) |
Toraneko's friend !? .They always criticize each other. The URL shown below
is his web site.
ja11v |
Living in Aichi Pref. He is a new face of cfs3, but he is improving his
skill very fast. |
Swedish. His code name is from his dog. He is a very mysterious man. Because
,he took a photograph of himself with chairman Alafato,he cruises ice
braker etc... |
Rapina |
Brazilian player. His English is not good.
I am shot many times because of his good skill. |
snobbs#1 |
Living in Michigan . 13 old . He is a good jr high student. |
Wrath_of_Khan |
Australia,Melbourne . He is a good fighter pilot. He has many hobbies and
they are same as mine. Such as CFS3 ,motorcycle , writing songs....
He has SUZUKI GSXR1000. |
haaaaaaa |
Japanese. But he connects to enter a game from Indonesia. |
Living in London.. He calls me "Mickey",I call him "Donald".
He is 60 years old. He was an flying instructor at the London School of
flying.. Now, he flies for 100 hour per year.
He used to have a BMW R100 himself in 1977. It had krauser panniers.
He helped me to make English pages in my web site!
I express my gratitude to him. |
IMS_Pist N Broke |
From Canada. Living beside a beautiful lake Nonacho.
He has a plane with floats. |
G4s |
Living in Taipei, Taiwan. We call him "Gu san".
We can communicate with each other in Chinise by using my Japanese key
bord,and this is great fun. |
BoB_Squadron |
Band of Brothers.There are many good guys in that squadron.
BoB Squadron's room |